5 ways to solve construction schedule delays

One of the most common problems in the construction industry is delays in the construction schedule. It should be noted that the reasons that lead to the delay of construction are many, and therefore there are many criteria that must be taken into account while implementing any project.

On the other hand, every delay in construction causes other serious repercussions affecting the project and the company as well, which including additional work fees, legal disputes, cash flow problems, and an additional cost for materials and storage, in addition to damaging the reputation of the parties involved.

Although resolving the construction schedule delays is a daunting task, it is not impossible. Here are five important steps to solve the construction schedule delays problem as much as possible and to have an effective construction process:

  1. Standardization from the first stage

The Standardization of construction companies for all of their systems has become one of the important things that must be followed to solve the problem of delay in the construction schedule, so the standardization of the company’s systems will play a major role in defining the basic needs of the project and also the difficulties that can be faced, as it reduces the risks and thus the company will avoid returning costly work and wasting time.

It should be noted that standardizing the sector or company is not an easy thing that can be implemented in a short period, but it takes a lot of effort and bold initiatives in order to finally build a strong environment for communication and cooperation around the project.

2. Digital transformation

Convincing people to move from something used to something else is usually an almost impossible task, but during the current era the digital transformation has become one of the most important things to follow, and the construction industry witnessed during the past period the entry of many digital technologies, yet it is still some companies prefer to follow the old ways.

However, once people see the true value of digital work, they will be more receptive to it and more open to changing their work routines. Digital transformation will help greatly to solve any problem that may occur during the implementation of the project, and it will also help to accelerate the pace of work.

It is worth mentioning that the current era is about to witness a digital revolution in construction, and therefore these techniques must be followed sooner or later, and whoever fails to follow it will surely fall behind in keeping pace with the era.

3. Connecting the construction site with the office

Most of the problems in the construction schedule arise from the incompatibility between the field teams and people in the boardroom. In many projects, we find the field teams working on old versions of the timetable, while people in the boardroom are aware of the market changes and have a specific vision of what is happening on the ground.

Therefore, misunderstanding seriously affects the project timetable, the cost, in addition to wasting building materials. Consequently, having the right tools will help greatly to solve this problems, and here is the importance of the digital tools that will allow people in construction sites to send updates of what is happening in the project and will also enable the people in the office to closely monitor the data and solve any problem that may appear quickly.

4. Adopting building information modeling system

Building information modeling is one of the important means that construction companies must follow and that will help them greatly in completing their projects easily. Building information modeling is an open environmental data system, which enables all the different project parties to submit and send their data without suffering. through that system, field teams will be able to send their data directly from the construction site, and it will allow managers in the office to follow all the project details and the updates that are done.


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